Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My husband is 30 years old!!! (Dec 1st)

It's not quite midnight yet, but close enough! When my hubby wakes up tomorrow, December 1st, he will be 30 years old!!! I am most definitely more excited than he is. I love his birthday. I love that I get to make a fuss over him all day, tell him a million times how special he is, how thankful I am to have found him (not that I don't bug him like that every day anyways haha).

30 years old. Time sure does fly. We've been together through our teens, our twenties, and now here he is entering his thirties!!

I love you so, so, so much Matt. Happy Birthday to my other (better) half!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Changing and Growing

What does it mean to be a mom? Every year my sons change and grow and with that so does my role as a mom. Of course there are things that will never change whether they are 2 years old or 42 years old. They will always be my kids even when they are taller than me and married with kids of their own. Although I know that when they get older I won't be able to kiss away the hurts of life like I can now when they fall down, I'll always be there to pick them up. I promise to myself and my sons that no matter what happens in their lives they can know that they will have atleast 2 people that will always support them, love them, and believe in them: Mommy and Daddy.

Being a mom changes a lot when your kids become school age. Both of my sons are now in school and it's only been a month into this school year and I'm definitely being reminded of this. The summer provides a small break from that world and a happy reminder of the years when it was just me and my boys. I'm so proud of everything that they do in school and I love going through their papers and getting their artwork, but I definitely treasure the summer when it's just me and them and the memories we make together.

When the boys were babies my role as a mom was a lot different than it is now. My "uniform" was simply anything I didn't care if it got boogers, poop, or puke on. Black bags under my eyes were the norm and still they would say that I was pretty (when they could talk that is!) and before they could talk they would put their little hands on my cheeks and just stare at me with a look that can only be described as pure love (if you're a mom, you know this look!) They didn't see the stained clothes or the tired eyes, they saw me. When they were babies my role as a mom was to feed them, clean up after them, clean them, get their clothes clean...basically it was a lot of cleaning! The fun side of that was that the main attraction for the day was "What funny face is Mommy going to make today to make me laugh?" To this day they still get a kick out of that game. The thing I loved the most about when they boys were babies was showing them something for the first time. It was amazing to watch their eyes get big with wonder. I remember taking Matthew in his stroller down on the boardwalk across the river and showing him the river up close for the first time. I remember Riley kicking his kick toy and seeing it light up for the first time. We made up silly songs and I sang horribly out of tune to the delight of both the boys. Actually, I still do this and now they add their own verses to the mix!

The older that they get the more their world expands. They have teachers, coaches, and friends. They begin to branch out and create their own world. I feel so lucky that they still get so excited to include me in those things. They love that I get so excited at their baseball games (and cheer at the top of my lungs!), that I love going to their school open house, that I put their school work up on display. My "mom uniform" has changed a lot since their baby days. Don't get me wrong, I still rock the sweatpants and old shirts but they have their place and time. I highly doubt they would enjoy me showing up to their baseball games like that! A lot of the things that I had to do for them when they were little they can now do themselves and believe me they let you know it! Now, I think one of their favorite things to do is to help ME do things.

The reason I'm writing this post is because I am about to redo my dry erase calendar soon for the month of October. I was thinking about all the appointments and meetings and school functions that I will need to write on it. It got me thinking about how different things are now. I can't say that there has been one age that I have liked better than another because each stage had it's own great and hard things. I do know, however, that I'm excited about all of the new great and hard things yet to come.

Along with all the changes that a mom goes through, dad's go through changes as well. I'm thankful that I've had such a great partner, friend, and husband that has grown with me. I'm thankful that my sons have a dad that they can look up to and admire, even if they do beat him in a race around the yard (daddy says it was a tie..hmmm haha!).

Sometimes it's hard to deal with change and I'm not going to pretend that I don't cry like a baby when my kids get on the bus that first day of school..I do! I think back to the days when there were no words, just little hands cupped around my cheeks to a day we had this summer at the lake when out of the blue I was told by my son Riley "you're the best mom in the world!" promptly followed by Matthew saying "hey, I think that too!"...and it shows me that in a world that can be so uncertain at times we will always have eachother and LOVE.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Riley is 5!

I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've written here. I didn't get flooded with any emails about my absence so I'm sure no one really minded ;-).

On September 12th (which it will be in just about 1 hour from this moment) my youngest son Riley will be 5 years old.

My due date with Riley was September 12th but I really didn't think he would actually come that day. I mean really, how often are babies born on their actual due date? I had been feeling really sick the night of September 11th and made Matt sleep on the couch that night, something I really hated to do! I just couldn't get comfortable and needed the entire bed to spread out and ease my pain. I woke up the morning of September 12th just a few minutes before 6 am. I'm sure for most people the first thing on your mind when you wake up is a trip to the restroom. If you've ever been pregnant you know this urge gets multiplied by 100. So, that morning as with every other morning for the last 9 months I got out of bed fully intending to head to the rest room. I put my feet on the floor, stood up, and my water broke. I ran (waddled) out to the living room where Matt was peacefully unaware of what had just occured. The day was finally here. Labor was easier the second time around because I knew what to expect and I kept telling myself that no matter how much pain I was in I could get through it and at the end I would have my beautiful son. Riley was born at 1:17pm on September 12th (a far cry from the 23 hour labor with Matthew!). He was beautiful. My kid's birthdays are the 2 happiest days of my life.

Now Riley is 5 years old. I love his silly faces, his goofy dance moves, and his funny phrases. I love how he writes his name with every letter being a different size. I love how he likes to help me make crafts and thinks I'm an amazing cook (I'm not!!!). I love how he loves his big brother and absolutely adores his daddy. I love you Riley, Happy Birthday.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mommy's boys

Though I titled this entry "Mommy's boys" my sons actually really aren't mommy's boys..they are more of daddy's boys...however, as you other mom's of boys know there is definitely a special bond between a mother and a son. I would say Matt Jr. is a total Daddy's boy, they are two peas in a pod. Riley is more of a mommy's boy out of the two of them.

The older they get the more reasons I find to love having sons. I can't imagine it any other way. I love my boys :-)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

School's out for summer!

Well, this post is almost half a month late, but better late than never. I actually do have a pretty good excuse for falling behind in this blog. I was really sick and really the only thing I could think about when I came to sit and write was how on Earth it's possible for the human body to produce that much snot. So, I figured I would wait until I could sit and type without having a pile of tissues flooding my computer desk to come back and make a real entry.

School is officially out for summer. So much has changed since the beginning of this school year. Matthew now wants us to call him Matt, which admittedly Matt Sr. and I aren't doing very well with, but hey I'm trying. Matt Jr. made a lot of friends, learned a lot, over all it was a good year. Riley completed his first year of headstart which is preschool and he learned so much. He can write his name and draw wonderful pictures. I wonder what 2nd grade will bring for Matt Jr next year.

So, how to spend the summer? That is the question. So far in the first couple weeks of summer vacation we've been doing quite a bit of fishing and spending most of the day out playing in the yard. I hope to make this summer fun for the boys. So far I think they are enjoying themselves, they spend most of their day eating and playing haha..that's the life!

lack of "Katieness" on my page

I really need to make myself a nice background and banner for this. Why haven't I done that already?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


As a huge fan of the show Seinfeld and an even bigger fan of George Costanza, I fondly remember the episode in which George wants a nickname. Not just any nickname but the nickname "T Bone" infact. It's interesting how people get tagged with certain nicknames. It's one of those things you don't really get to choose for yourself, though some of us may try to influence it a bit (like George!).

I guess my main nickname would be Wiffy because Matt is just too cool to use "Wifey" like most people-I much prefer Wiffy any day! Matt, however, has a million nicknames. Some I'm sure he would be too embarassed for me to type out here, and I'm sure are quite embarassing when I yell them when we are in the middle of Walmart.

The boys have quite a few nicknames as well.

Matthew AKA:
Buddy (a nickname both the boys share)

Riley AKA:
Smiley Riley
Rye Rye
Riley butt

Those are the main nicknames we have, but I'm sure there are more that I am forgetting as I'm typing this. All of these names came about for different reasons but most of them came from the songs I make up about the boys. Now, the cats are getting in on it and if I sing to get the boys out of bed their cats will come in the room and try to wake them up!

I wonder if on Matthew's graduation day I'll still be calling him Dafferoni...I hope so :-).

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sports Mom

Well, now that both my boys are on sports teams I guess you could officially call me a "sports mom." It's crazy to think that both of my kids are old enough to be playing sports. Weren't they just wearing diapers and sleeping in cribs yesterday?

Matthew has played t-ball for 2 years and this year he moved up to baseball. So far, two weeks into practicing, things are going great. Riley has only had one week of practice so far but he is definitely enjoying his first year of t-ball! A lot goes into having your kids active in organized sports. You have to make sure they have the equipment they need, practice with them, teach them about good sportsmanship, clear your schedule to make room for their schedule, get homework done before practice (or you will regret it later that evening), get them where they need to be when they need to be there, and the most important thing-be their biggest cheerleader.

I am very excited for them to get their uniforms, they both got the team colors they wanted! Matthew's team is black and Riley's is green. I can't wait until the first day that they both get to wear their uniforms and have their first game. Even at their young ages I've seen parents who are really hard on their kids when they don't do things exactly right. I'd like to tell those parents to sit back and enjoy watching their kids have fun and to stop stressing them out by yelling at them! It is definitely an awesome feeling to see your child excel at sports, you feel so proud! On the other side of that it does make you feel like you want to fix it for them when they aren't quite getting it-but I would never yell at my 4 year old son that he "just can't do anything right!" like I heard one parent say to their son. As long as they are having fun and giving it their all it won't matter if they hit a million home runs or strike out every time at bat-I'll still be their number one fan!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

and when there's no time..

Just as when there are no words...when there is no time SP can always fill the void. So until I get everything done that I need to get done today and take both sons to their baseball/tball practices you will just have to enjoy some SP love that I just left on my husband's facebook. I figured..why not share the love? So until tonight..

Friday, April 2, 2010

School boys

In that time when the boys were babies up until they were school age, I felt like that time would last forever. We spent all day, every day together. We woke up, ate together, played together, went to the store together, everything together. The only people my kids knew were family members. During that time that was our world, they were mine and I was theirs. All of a sudden in the blink of an eye I was putting Matthew on a school bus. Then before I could get used to that the time came to send Riley off on a school bus too. Now their world has expanded to include teachers and friends, it's not just us anymore. That's a scary thought! So many things change when they start going to school. You learn just how important all the little moments and lessons you taught them really are. I think the boys have definitely adapted better to being school boys than I have!

Matthew has many friends at school and does really well with his school work. I have his school work hanging up in the kitchen. Every time he brings home a great school paper I can't help but to think back to when he was learning to write his name or when he would draw stars all over the wall instead of on paper! He is such a smart kid, and though he rushes through a lot of things, he has a really great work ethic-he understands that practicing makes you better and he has a drive to be in his words "the best, the fastest..." etc. at everything he does.

Riley loves school too, but I won't pretend it doesn't feel good when he some times says that he wants to stay home because he will miss me or when he jumps off the bus and yells "mommy!!!" or tells the teacher that rides with them "my mom is here, there she is!!!" He is always really proud and excited when he brings home his paintings or projects. He surprised us all when he came home writing and spelling his name! Though some times he is shy about it, perhaps the best thing is when he will sing us a song that he learned at school.

Matthew looks so highly annoyed that I'm taking this picture! There they are, my two school boys. Life is certainly different since the days we spent all day together, and though they are growing up so fast and are getting more and more independent, they will both always be my babies, even when they are my age...and something tells me that Matthew will still be making that face from this picture when I tell him so!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My two sons

If someone would have told self proclaimed "indoor girl," me that I would end up having two sons, well I guess that wouldn't have shocked me all that much. However, if someone told self proclaimed "indoor girl," me that I would end up having two sons and enjoying the dirt, mess, outdoors, bugs, and general grossness that comes along with having little boys...now that might have shocked me. Now here I am with 7 and 4 year old sons and loving everything about it. I truly believe that I was meant to have boys so not only could I give them the best parts of me, but they could bring out things I never would have otherwise known about myself. Some of the biggest things have been that I never would have known just how much gross unidentified liquids or bugs placed in my hand, or grass stained clothes I could handle if it weren't for my boys :-).
Still, I'm not deprived of doing so called "girly" things that I enjoy. Infact Riley loves to make crafts and jewelry with me and he loves to watch me put on my make up. Matthew is great to take along to the craft store when you need to pick out what color to use or which project to make and he enjoys listening to mommy's music. Of course they both always have an opinion of what I should do with my hair...cut it or leave it long, keep the red or maybe go for a change?

I have opened myself up to many new things because of the boys. Through that we've been able to find things we all enjoy doing as a family like fishing, something I never would have thought to do or even thought I could do.

So, I may still be a pretty girly "indoor girl" that loves sparkles, purple, and jewelry, but thanks to the boys I can also get dirty and be gross with the best of them.

one of the many songs for the boys and Matt but I think it fits us perfectly:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I swam to the bottom of the sea...

When they are no words to find, there is always a Smashing Pumpkins song for every emotion, which is why they are my favorite band and why I think Billy Corgan is a genius. So instead of writing a big mishmosh of thoughts I will post a video that speaks more clearly of my current mood and feelings then I ever could:

Home Projects

Recently I got it in my head that redoing the bathroom would be a great idea. I think I had forgotten that I had just gotten over being sick for 3 weeks straight when this bright idea entered my brain. Still, I made my way to "Ambridge Do It Best!" and got the paint and supplies and started on the hole in the wall known as "the bathroom". The reason I originally referred to the bathroom as a hole in the wall is because before I took on this project I had attempted "fixing up" the bathroom before. I took the wallpaper off and painted the walls. Actually, I can't really say I painted the walls because I really only painted one of the walls. So for the last few years the bathroom has been a big mess of an unfinished project. Now, I definitely have a mound of excuses...I mean reasons...why the bathroom never got finished but this time I knew if I started it I would have to finish it. So, I decided that what was lacking in my first attempt at fixing the bathroom was a plan. This time around I came up with a plan and a design and believe it or not about 2 weeks after starting the bathroom project it was pretty much done. There are still a few things that need to be done, mainly the cubby holes need to be painted and repapered. Still, it's definitely a real room now and no longer that hole in the wall that looks not even half finished. The plan was simple: since Matt is gracious enough to let me fill the rest of the house with my wizard of oz, purple, and cat obsessions, he deserved a space that he could enjoy...granted it's the bathroom, but still it's a room right? So..the plan was to turn the bathroom into a Steelers theme bathroom. It looks great and the boys and Matt love it! These are just a couple pictures showing some of the things I did. The best part is that I was able to use 2 of the presents that Matthew gave us for Christmas (he picked them out all by himself at his school's Santa Shop) so it's extra special!

Monday, March 29, 2010

The introduction post

I guess every good blog starts with an introduction post. This is not my first venture into "blogging." I have had a different blog since 2001 that was more of an online diary than anything else. However, it has remained pretty inactive for the last 4 years. I'm hoping starting this new blog will be an exciting new way to keep up with my friends and family and I'm hoping that same of you will not only read this blog but make blogs of your own! I'm not yet sure how I plan to use this blog, as I've said I've already done the online diary and maybe I will use this for that purpose somewhat, but I'm really not quite sure yet.

I guess the best way to start is to introduce myself and my family.

My name is Katie and I am 26 years old. I am a wife to Matt, who I met when I was 15 years old, and a mother to my wonderful sons Matthew and Riley.

I have what some might call an "old soul." I love photography, crafts, and just doing anything creative. I love my family and feel incredibly fortunate to have such wonderful sons. I love cats, the color purple is more than just my favorite color it's somewhat of an obsession, and I absolutely love music.

My husband is Matt and he is 29. He works really hard at his job. He loves the outdoors and tries to get me to be less of what I call "an inside girl." He did mange to get me in to fishing last summer and now I love it! He is a wonderful dad to the boys and a great husband to me :-).

Matthew is my oldest son, he is 7 years old. Matthew is a mini-Matt in so many ways but definitely has some of me thrown in there too (like being a picky eater!). Matthew loves being outside and playing any sport but he especially loves fishing. He is currently in 1st grade and does really well in school. It amazes me how smart he is.

Riley is my youngest son, he is 4 years old. Riley is my cuddle bug and likes to do everything that mommy is doing. Riley is currently in preschool and says his favorite thing about school is "the food". Riley loves to help me when I am crafting and he likes to be everyone's little helper.
So, that's a little introduction to the family. Hope to start making updates very soon!