Friday, April 9, 2010

Sports Mom

Well, now that both my boys are on sports teams I guess you could officially call me a "sports mom." It's crazy to think that both of my kids are old enough to be playing sports. Weren't they just wearing diapers and sleeping in cribs yesterday?

Matthew has played t-ball for 2 years and this year he moved up to baseball. So far, two weeks into practicing, things are going great. Riley has only had one week of practice so far but he is definitely enjoying his first year of t-ball! A lot goes into having your kids active in organized sports. You have to make sure they have the equipment they need, practice with them, teach them about good sportsmanship, clear your schedule to make room for their schedule, get homework done before practice (or you will regret it later that evening), get them where they need to be when they need to be there, and the most important thing-be their biggest cheerleader.

I am very excited for them to get their uniforms, they both got the team colors they wanted! Matthew's team is black and Riley's is green. I can't wait until the first day that they both get to wear their uniforms and have their first game. Even at their young ages I've seen parents who are really hard on their kids when they don't do things exactly right. I'd like to tell those parents to sit back and enjoy watching their kids have fun and to stop stressing them out by yelling at them! It is definitely an awesome feeling to see your child excel at sports, you feel so proud! On the other side of that it does make you feel like you want to fix it for them when they aren't quite getting it-but I would never yell at my 4 year old son that he "just can't do anything right!" like I heard one parent say to their son. As long as they are having fun and giving it their all it won't matter if they hit a million home runs or strike out every time at bat-I'll still be their number one fan!

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