Saturday, September 11, 2010

Riley is 5!

I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've written here. I didn't get flooded with any emails about my absence so I'm sure no one really minded ;-).

On September 12th (which it will be in just about 1 hour from this moment) my youngest son Riley will be 5 years old.

My due date with Riley was September 12th but I really didn't think he would actually come that day. I mean really, how often are babies born on their actual due date? I had been feeling really sick the night of September 11th and made Matt sleep on the couch that night, something I really hated to do! I just couldn't get comfortable and needed the entire bed to spread out and ease my pain. I woke up the morning of September 12th just a few minutes before 6 am. I'm sure for most people the first thing on your mind when you wake up is a trip to the restroom. If you've ever been pregnant you know this urge gets multiplied by 100. So, that morning as with every other morning for the last 9 months I got out of bed fully intending to head to the rest room. I put my feet on the floor, stood up, and my water broke. I ran (waddled) out to the living room where Matt was peacefully unaware of what had just occured. The day was finally here. Labor was easier the second time around because I knew what to expect and I kept telling myself that no matter how much pain I was in I could get through it and at the end I would have my beautiful son. Riley was born at 1:17pm on September 12th (a far cry from the 23 hour labor with Matthew!). He was beautiful. My kid's birthdays are the 2 happiest days of my life.

Now Riley is 5 years old. I love his silly faces, his goofy dance moves, and his funny phrases. I love how he writes his name with every letter being a different size. I love how he likes to help me make crafts and thinks I'm an amazing cook (I'm not!!!). I love how he loves his big brother and absolutely adores his daddy. I love you Riley, Happy Birthday.

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