Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Fun and Baseball

It's hard to believe I haven't updated this since January! There are many times that I have wanted to sit down and write and have felt like no one reads this anyway so what's the big deal if I don't get to it. Well, the big deal is that I love to write and it shouldn't matter if anyone reads this or not (even though it still does) but I'm doing it anyway.

A lot has happened since the last time I updated back in January. Matthew and Riley are both done with school for the summer. I can't tell you how nice it has been to not have homework assignments due and fundraisers to keep up with. I really enjoy their school and I like to think I'm pretty active with everything but it is really nice to take a break for the summer and just be with my kids. Riley had a lot of fun this year in kindergarten, which is now full day, that's a huge change from when Matthew went just a few years ago. Riley made a lot of friends and he liked to come home and tell me all about them. He brought home wonderful pieces of his artwork and his reading and spelling skills are very good. Matthew had a great year in 3rd grade and at the end of the year he even brought home the super speller award for making 100% in spelling every single 9 weeks. Matthew also won first place in an art contest in the photography category. He was even awarded money! I think they both learned a lot this year and are well prepared for 1st and 4th grade.

 The main reason I haven't had much time to update is because of baseball. We're always either playing baseball or practicing for baseball. Matthew can't drive by the baseball field without asking to practice. I love that he wants to practice and improve and work hard. I love that he loves the sport so much. This year was Riley's last year of t ball and he is finally ready to move up to 8U baseball this fall! He can't wait! He has been wanting to move up for some time now and be like his big brother :-). It was kind of bittersweet when Riley's season ended. I knew it was the last time we'd be "t ball parents" and we were now officially "baseball parents." I am happy for him that he's doing so well and so excited to be moving up. This season in baseball and t ball was a season of firsts for the boys. After spending the last 5 years with one of my kids in t ball-FINALLY one of my kids was on the purple team. I think we all know that I'm a tad obsessed with the color purple so I was really happy haha. Riley was on the purple team and I really think he enjoyed every minute of this season. His coach was the nicest guy and really encouraging. Riley didn't use the tee this year, his coach would pitch to him to get him ready to move up to 8U. He had some really nice hits! I'm very proud of my Riley. Matthew was on the 10U team for the first time. He did play 10U for fall ball, but this was his first spring season in the 10U league. The big difference in 10U is that it is kid pitch instead of coach pitch. I am so proud of Matthew for the way he played this season, but more importantly than the way he played I am proud of him for the way he behaved. This season Matthew showed me yet again that while sometimes his emotions are hard to figure out as he is quiet and introspective like his father-when you get to see his heart..wow. Matthew never gave up this season, he kept trying and kept learning and kept going, all because he loves the game. A huge first for Matthew this season was that he started pitching! It was really exciting to watch!
I love watching my sons play a sport that they both really enjoy. I love being a baseball mom :-).

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