Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Another School Year Has Begun!

We had such a wonderful summer full of lazy days, busy days, and fun days. I was sad for it to come to an end but excited to start the school year again. It's been almost a full month of school already, I can't believe it! My boys started school at the end of August and this year Matthew is in 3rd grade and Riley is in kindergarten. So many great things come with back to school time. It may be extremely nerdy but I absolutely love getting together the school supplies and making lists and checking things off when they are completed. My husband has given me many things in the 12 years I've known him and of course the two greatest of those things are my sons, followed closely by a love of organizing and lists haha. So, ok maybe I don't love organizing and lists quite that much, but you get the idea. When the new school year starts of course that also brings with it my most favorite time of year, Fall (pumpkin patch here I come!!!), as well as Cub Scouts, fundraisers, Thursday packets, open house, picture day...so many great things!

The first day of school was such a big day for both of my boys. Riley was so excited to finally be going to the same school as his big brother. He has spent years talking about riding the bus with Matthew and Matthew walking him to his class and the time had finally come! Our school district now does full day kindergarten so both of my kids were off to a full day at school. They were both so happy the first day of school. They were excited to see their old friends again and especially to ride the bus together. I gave them each a huge hug and kiss and they were off, my two school boys, the first time together on the bus...

So far they are both really enjoying school. Each day when they get off the bus I ask them "So, what was the best thing about kindergarten/3rd grade today?" and I'm always excited to hear what they have to say. I was really anticipating open house, one of my favorite days of the school year. I love seeing their classrooms and having them show us around. This year was no exception! It was the first time we had two classrooms to visit! Matthew's class was first. Sitting in his chair was a "future me" he had made. It was so sweet that he made his future self have facial hair just like daddy's.

Then it was time to visit Riley's classroom. He had such fun showing us around. He made a self portrait as well and was so proud to stand next to it.

So, all in all it has been a great start to the new school year. I'm so proud of my boys and I hope they always keep their love of learning and their joy at sharing these things with me. I love them so very much. It's going to be a great school year!

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