Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm 28 years old!

Today is my birthday! Yes, that's right world, I'm officially 28 years old. My sister asked me if I felt older and my answer to her was that I already feel atleast 10 years older than my actual age so while it does sound a lot older to me than 27, it doesn't feel much different.

I've often said that I have an "old soul" and I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I do think I have a good balance of acting like a Grandma and still being a fun woman in my twenties. Still, I'm definitely not like the average person of my age. With all of the activities that my sons are in I get to interact with quite a few other parents. I am always the youngest and usually I'm the youngest by a lot. Infact, one of the women at Matthew's bus stop says that every year on her birthday she turns "29" because she refuses to acknowledge anything higher than that. Let's just say she waved bye-bye to 29 long ago.

My husband is 2 1/2 years older than I am, so I get the benefit of seeing what awaits as the years start stacking up. I love watching stand up comedy and I can't even count how many times I've heard the joke that as soon as you turn 30 everything starts falling apart. Being a huge fan of stand up, when I kept hearing this joke multiple times from multiple people, it did send up a red flag that maybe there is some truth behind that joke. Well, I'm here to say that it's true! Within a month of turning 30 all bets were off between my husband and his body. It was as if his body had some warranty that expired the day he turned 30. I wonder what it is about that age that makes your body say "eh...I'm going to stop working now, enjoy!!"

Still, I look forward to the idea of getting older. I particularly look forward to how Matt and I will be as old people. I have a pretty good idea of what kind of "little old man" my husband is going to be and let me tell you, it's hilarious (just picture the most adorable old man you've ever seen with wild and crazy white ear hair that puts a carnival cotton candy to shame). I'm quite sure that I'll be the "crazy cat lady" and together we'll provide much amusement for our sons and their future spouses.

For now though, I'm sure even at 28 and 30 we provide much amusement for them already.

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